DIY Disinfecting Glass & Surface Cleaner

DIY Disinfecting Glass & Surface CleanerThis DIY Disinfecting Glass & Surface Cleaner is much more than a brilliant solution to disinfected floors and sparkling window. No, for me, it represents a major milestone in my life! "Did she just say that her floor cleaner represents a major milestone in her life?" Yup, I did! I remember the day clearly....I was pregnant with my daughter, and washing my floors with a commercial floor cleaner that was purple, reeked of artificial fragrance and was giving me a splitting headache. And at that moment it hit me!"Breathing in this toxic, cleaner CANNOT be good for my baby...or me!"I immediately put down my mop, picked up the computer, and started researching homemade, eco-friendly, non-toxic cleaning alternatives. I was shocked to find that I had all of the ingredients for homemade floor cleaner, right in my home! Best of all, inhaling it wasn't going to make us (me + baby) sick!After I made that cleaner from I was hooked; my journey to a cleaner, greener life began. Over the next several months, I was a mom on a mission! I safely disposed of all of my chemical cleaning products (17 to be exact), replacing them with three, simple, eco-friendy cleaners, pillaged my pantry of any processed food and preservatives, and replaced my beauty products with non-toxic, DIY, alternatives. Everything from toothpaste to ketchup to facial cleanser has since then been made by modern hippie moi, and I've never looked back!And guess what? Living a #LifeFromScratch is not only incredibly rewarding and healthy for you and your family, the environment, and your bank account, also reap the benefits!Although I've since tweaked the original floor & glass cleaner recipe to better suite my preferences, I still use this DIY Multi-Purpose Spray-Mop & Glass Cleaner on a daily basis and STILL love it! You CAN have a homemade, eco-friendly and non-toxic cleaner that works! 

Here's how to make your own non-toxic and eco-friendly DIY Disinfecting Glass & Surface Cleaner:

What You'll Need

White VinegarRubbing AlcoholDistilled Water1/4 tsp Eco-Friendly Dish Soap10-20 Drops of Pure Essential Oils - Used for fragrance and their disinfectant properties. I like to use either lemon, grapefruit, tea tree, lavender and rosemary, and sometimes a combo of 2 or 3.Empty spray bottle of any size 


Fill the bottle up with equal parts Water, Vinegar, and Rubbing Alcohol.Add castile soap and your choice of essential oil.And. That's. It! 

Use this DIY Disinfecting Glass & Surface Cleaner...

  • in your spray-mop, to use on tile, vinyl, laminate and hardwood flooring
  • for cleaning windows, glass and mirrors
  • to disinfect kitchen counter-tops
  • in your bathroom to make your mirror and taps sparkle, and disinfect your toilet and sink
  • to wipe the sticky finger prints off of your TV (spray on cloth first, not directly on TV)

DIY Disinfecting Glass & Surface Cleaner


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